
Environmental Statement

Environmental Statement



For Clients, Suppliers and Contractors 

Capacity of ecological systems has become unable to meet the increase in production and consumption activities of humankind and brought us to the threshold of an environmental crisis threatening the entire world. Therefore, businesses must measure the effects of their activities and products on the environment and carry out improvements to minimise these effects. On the other hand, the consumers should take the damage they inflict on the environment into account alongside fulfilling their personal needs in their buying habits. With conscious and systematic actions societies can sustain the development efforts they need to continue their existence without destroying the environment. 

The inability to prevent environmental pollution due to lack of education, lack of awareness and wrong policies, the insufficiencies in legislation and oversight, production activities and products which are not environmentally friendly, and many other factors cause the natural resources in the world to decrease, global warming, climate change and many other natural disasters. Governments, societies, producers, consumer, everybody must act in accord with the principle of "Sustainable Development". 

As an industrial enterprise with environmentally aware employees, we endeavour to use environmentally friendly and recyclable raw materials and sources, utilising natural resources at an optimum level without wastage, in order to crease environmentally friendly products with environmentally friendly processes. We keep the hazardous emissions generated during our activities under control and ensure recycling or disposal all wastes in accord with relevant legislation. In addition to the Emission Permit and 1st Grade Non-Sanitary Enterprise Licence we hold since 2000, we also hold Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Recycling Licenses since 2008, and we implement an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System since 2009. 

In accord with environmental values of our company and requirements of ISO 14001 standards, we determine our environmental goals and targets in scope of controlling sources of pollution to leave a clean and healthy environment to the future generations, to decrease pollution, and to control our environmental activities and resource usage with a "cradle-to-grave” approach across the product life cycle. We also expect our suppliers who stand at the starting point of the life cycle of our product as well as the contractors who supports us in this process to show the same level of care. We expect you to 

  • Procure/use environmentally friendly and innovative materials which consume less resources. 
  • Minimise all adverse conditions which may threaten human health and environmental health in all processes of your business. 
  • Decrease environmental effects in all your operational and support processes from raw material sourcing to delivery/use of products, including logistics. 
  • Monitor environmental effects of your activities, products and services and ensure compliance with applicable legislations. 
  • Establish the necessary record systems to guarantee that your inputs do not contain materials hazardous for human health and environmental health which are prohibited by national or international laws and/or such materials are only used in scope of the permitted limits, and to provide environmental compliance information, documentation, statements or reports like ROHS and REACH certificates with the materials you ship. 

Approximately 80% of our products are produced using recycled raw materials; Since we are also the supplier of our customers at the point of "consumption" in their life cycle, we would like to draw attention to the following points. 

  • Our products are compliant with EN norms and 4MS Hygienic List, and do not contain the prohibited materials under REACH and ROHS Directives. You can find our declarations and analysis reports related to this matter in Certificates & Documents section of our website. 
  • The oil-contaminated brass chips generated in machining processes using our products fall under the "hazardous waste" category under environmental regulations if they contain more than 1% oil. Such chips must be transported with licenses vehicles and recycled in licenses facilities. 
  • The brass burrs generated in deburring processes after forging processes using our products fall under the "non-hazardous waste" category. There is no special condition regarding transport of such materials, however these still must be recycled at licenses facilities. 
  • Our business holds a recycling license for "oil-contaminated brass chips" in scope of hazardous wastes and for "brass/copper chips, burrs, scraps, etc." in scope of non-hazardous wastes. You can find our License Certificate under Environment section of our website. 

In regard of our production wastes, the industrial wastes like brass dross and flue gas dust (zinc oxide) generated during our casting processes and the hazardous and non-hazardous wastes generated during routine processing activities are forwarded to licensed companies with regular intervals for recycling or disposal in scope of relevant contract. 

Kindly regards,